Maya Structures - Procedural building generator
Create procedural buildings and generate a city in a few clicks in Maya. Works with any custom model.
Structures is a python script for generating procedural structures, buildings, machines, and many other things in Maya. Works in Maya 2013 to 2025 (new script for Maya 2025 included). NOT compatible with Maya LT.
Futuristic, slums and modern base meshes from the demo provided with textures (Maya .ma scenes). Redshift version or Blinn shaded scenes. Please refer to the manual for the UI options explanation.
1. Copy the "Structures.pyc" file in your Maya Scripts folder (i.e. 'C:/Users/'username'/Documents/maya/<version>/scripts/') then restart Maya.
For Mac users, make sure you put it in the right user folder:('<username>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/Maya/<version>/scripts')
2. In a python shelf (NOT mel), write exactly and save these two lines in a shelf, and execute:
from Structures import *
1 - select your objects to stack / duplicate
2 - select your options in the Structure or Tower tab
3 - Press the Structure or Tower button, and variation until the desired generation
1. Put your models on the ground (y=0). Use the button "Put Models On Ground" to do this automatically. It will also center the pivot of your objects.
2. Center the pivot of your objects. Use the button "Put Models On Ground" to do this automatically. Structures will also modify the pivot of your objects.
3. Width is X, Height is Y and Depth is Z in the tower mode. The Random Front mode in Tower randomizes the chosen front facade.
4. In tower mode, name your objects with "balc" in their name if you want them to be treated as balconies in the tower generation.
- Use triplanar textures to add variations and minimize texture repetition
- Use compression options in Tower to eliminate possible gaps between units
- When generating a city, combine each building in a single mesh, you will have incredible performance boosts in your scene by combining the units, when you are done editing your building of course.
WARNING: Structures save hundreds of modeling hours by stacking models together, with various options and different algorithms. If mesh overlapping is a problem for you, this script is not for you; you should be modeling your buildings the standard way. Mesh overlapping is precisely what gives Structures its richness and amazing randomizations capacities. Also, since this script has no serial number protection, no refund will be given after sale.
Have fun!!
Created by IM-FX visual effects studio